Latisse for Longer, Thicker and Darker Eyelashes

Manufactured by Allergen, the company that is also the manufacturer of Botox, Latisse® is an eyelash enhancement product that will help make your lashes longer, thicker and darker. Latisse results have confirmed its effectiveness, and Latisse is the first and the only FDA-approved medication to treat people with the problem of hypotrichosis, a condition where people have far too few eyelashes.

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    Acne Treatment FAQ
    How long does it take to see results?

    Typically clients start to see results in as little as 3-4 weeks, but it can take 16 weeks to see your full results.

    What happens if I stop using Latisse?

    Your lashes will not be harmed in any way, they will just eventually go back to the way they used to be.

    Can Latisse turn my blue eyes brown?

    Latisse® use may cause darkening of the eyelid skin which may be reversible. Latisse® use may also cause increased brown pigmentation of the colored part of the eye which is likely to be permanent. While very infrequent, increased iris pigmentation has occurred when Latisse® was administered. This is avoided by not dropping the product directly into your eye and only using it as directed.

    Can I use Latisse if I have contacts?

    Yes, we recommend using your Latisse while your contacts are out. You can re-insert your contacts 15 minutes after using your Latisse.

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